First Place
Wendy Wang, University of Toronto
“Pictured here are sparsely labelled inhibitory interneurons in the mouse cerebellum. Cells were labelled with membrane-targeted fluorescent proteins, and imaged on a scanning confocal microscope.”
Second Place
Lauren Rylaarsdam, Northwestern University
“Shown here are excitatory neurons growing on a multielectrode array. Our lab records the electrical activity of stem cell-derived neurons as they develop in order to investigate disease mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders such as PACS1 syndrome.”
Third Place
Frank Raven, University of Michigan
“How do sleep and sleep deprivation affect somatostatin-expressing interneurons? Here we show somatostatin Brainbow labeling in the dentate gyrus of the mouse hippocampus, using an SP8 confocal microscope”
Other Awesome Submissions
- Ernesto Saez Carrion, Institute of Neuroscience – Immunohistochemistry labeling serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons from the last larval stage of Drosophila brain and ring gland. Image acquired with a Zeiss SuperResolution confocal microscope.
- Anthony Fung, UC San Diego – Label-free human kidney biopsy depicting oxidative stress regions measured by NADH and Flavin autofluorescence (scaled increasingly from cyan to magenta), and collagen SHG (red). Oxidative stress plays important roles in lipid metabolism and key regulators of collagen fibrosis, a leading co-morbidity in kidney cancer and renal diseases.
- Alan Harris, Virginia Commonwealth University – Layer 2 chandelier cell (green) synapsing upon axon initial segments (magenta) of pyramidal neurons within the vicinity. Maximum intensity projection; mouse somatosensory cortex; imaged via Zeiss LSM 880 at 40X
- Ana Morello Megias, Boston University – Image of the hippocampus of a macaque’s brain. In-situ hybridisation was performed on the tissue and it was imaged with a widefield AKOYA microscope. We were interested in checking the spatial distribution of some genetic markers that we believe may be involved in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Zhisong Tong, Molecular Devices – Tessara human 3D mimetic neural micro-tissues. Red: Tubulin, Green: SOX2, Blue: Nuclei. Image was captured using ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System and 3D-reconstructged using MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software.
- Wendy Wang, University of Toronto – Pictured here in gold are bundles of axons from cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Shown in blue and red are neighboring neuronal cells of other types. This image is of the mouse cerebellum, taken with a scanning confocal microscope.
- Nick Bulthuis, Columbia University – This coronal cross-section of the cortex and hippocampus of a mouse reveals all the cells active during the formation of a memory of a particular context. Various genes are often used as markers of neuronal activity, though they aren’t identical in their expression—here, patterns of Arc (green; rabbit anti-Arc staining) and c-Fos (magenta; rat anti-c-Fos staining) are similar but not perfectly overlapping. Blue = Hoechst counterstain; image captured with a Leica TCS SPE-II confocal microscope.
- Kanwal Iftikhar, Univeristy of Karachi – Whirlpool of neural stem cells expressing nestin protein. Images were analyzed using ImageJ Fiji software.
- Sara Trnski, University of Zagreb – The image was taken with a confocal Olympus FV3000 microscope (Olympus Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany), 10x objective, 1024 x 1024 pixel resolution, adult rat brain midcingulate cortex, double labeling immunofluorescence using aggrecan antibody and DAPI, analysis of ECM.
- Xiaonan Liu, Drexel University – A merged image of two fluorescence channels taken at a P12 mouse cortex by a confocal microscope. The transfection was done using in utero electroporation and labeled the Layer2/3 cortical pyramidal neurons. The green and red color and the merged orange color gives a festive feeling, the shapes of the neurons looks like decorative lights. Scale bar=50 micron.
- Ahn Vo, Texas A&M University – The effect of oxidative stress (i.e., hydrogen peroxide H2O2) on peri-nuclear clustering of mitochondria is investigated. Mouse brain endothelial cells (b.End3 cells) are labeled with MitoTracker (red), actin (green), and DAPI (blue). The image is taken with a Leica Microscope.
- Olga Ponomareva, Texas Tech University – Rat brain. Microglia(Iba1, in red) and astrocytes (GFAP, in green) staining, DAPI in blue. Image was taken at Olympus FV3000. Chronic pain study.
- Lauren Rylaarsdam, Northwestern University – This is a cerebral organoid grown from stem cells. Organoids emulate certain processes that occur in a developing human brain, such as spontaneous assembly into layers containing proliferative neural precursor cells (orange) and postmitotic neurons (blue). Our lab uses them to investigate disease mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders like PACS1 syndrome.
- Kevin Donaldson, Georgia State University – Class III multidendritic neurons from Drosophila dorsal cluster of larval body wall. Live imaged on Zeiss LSM780, depth coded coloring, maximum intensity projection in FIJI.
- Wendy Wang, University of Toronto – Pictured here are migrating neuronal precursors in orange, and all neuronal cells in blue. This is an image of the developing mouse cerebellum, and imaged on a scanning confocal microscope.
- Kanwal Iftikhar, University of Karachi – Neurosphere – A Residence of Neural stem cells. Immunofluorescence images representing nestin expression in primary cortical cells from neonatal rat brain. The intensity of the fluorescence of cortical cultured cells was analyzed to determine the protein expression of nestin. Images were analyzed using ImageJ Fiji software. Blue staining reflects the DAPI stained cell nuclei. The presence of neurospheres indicates the pool of the primary cell aggregates that comprise of neural stem cells (NSCs).
- Vivianne Morrison, Tulane Univeristy – Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-expressing neural stem cells (magenta), doublecortin-expressing newborn neurons (green), and newly divided cells (labeled via incorporation of the nucleotide analog EdU, blue) in the 1-month-old mouse neurogenic ventricular-subventricular zone were identified via immunofluorescent labeling and visualized with a Nikon Eclipse Ti widefield fluorescence microscope using Nikon Plan Fluor 20× (NA: 0.5). This image was acquired as part of an experiment assessing adult neurogenesis in a transgenic mouse model of reduced dead cell clearance.
- Frank Raven, University of Michigan – How do sleep and sleep deprivation affect somatostatin-expressing interneurons? In this image you can see somatostatin Brainbow labeling in the mouse visual cortex, using an SP8 confocal microscope.
- Anthony Fung, UC San Diego – Label-free cell identification using hyperspectral Raman imaging. Cell identities were assigned using a learner trained on morphology and pixel density of lipid, cytosol, and membrane spectra.
- Salma Amin, Miguel Hernández University – Immunofluorescence of E17.5 mouse cortex electroporated with a centriole protein overexpression plasmid to study its effect on cortical migration GFP (grey). This image was captured with an Olympus confocal microscope.
- Kevin Donaldson, Georgia State Univeristy – Class III multidendritic neurons from Drosophila dorsal cluster of larval body wall, with triangular components of denticle belt present. Live imaged on Zeiss LSM780, depth coded coloring, maximum intensity projection in FIJI.
- Vivianne Morrison, Tulane University – Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-expressing astrocytic end-feet surrounding a large blood vessel in the 4-month-old mouse cortex were identified via immunofluorescent labeling and visualized with a Nikon Eclipse Ti widefield fluorescence microscope using Nikon Plan Fluor 20× (NA: 0.5). This image was acquired during experiments addressing astrocyte activation in a transgenic mouse model.
- Ahn Vo, Texas A&M University – The effect of oxidative stress (i.e., hydrogen peroxide H2O2) on peri-nuclear clustering of mitochondria is investigated. Mouse brain endothelial cells (b.End3 cells) are labeled with MitoTracker (magenta), actin (yellow), and DAPI (cyan). The image is taken with a Leica Microscope.
- Kanwal Iftikhar, University of Karachi – Hands in hands. The intensity of the fluorescence of cortical cultured cells was analyzed to determine the protein expression of GFAP. Images were analyzed using ImageJ Fiji software. Blue staining reflects the DAPI stained cell nuclei. The astrocytes present in the culture forming a group.
- Maha Shahid, ICCBS – Origin of Life. Phase contrast microscopic image of neurosphere emerging from the parent neurosphere. The neurospheres were cultured from supernatant of primary cortical cultures isolated from neonatal rat brain at 20X magnification.
- Ana Morello Megias, Boston University – Cell culture of neurons growing and interacting. Immunohistochemistry was performed on these neurons to check that they were differentiating into the cell type that we are interested in. Image was taken with a widefield AKOYA microscope.
- Maha Shahid, ICCBS – Glial cross talk. Phase contrast image of primary glial cells, isolated from the brain of neonatal rats at 20X magnification.
- Xiaonan Liu, Drexel University – A merged image of four fluorescence channels taken at a P3 mouse cortex by a confocal microscope. The image shows a nice layering of mouse cortex at P3, several layers can be differentiated by the cells stained with two cortical layer markers, Brn2 and Reelin, as well as DAPI. I feel it resembles the layering of our Earth. Scale bar=50 micron.
- Kevin Donaldson, Georgia State University – All cholinergic neurons throughout whole Drosophila larva. 40 z-stacks converted to maximum intensity projections and merged. Live imaged on Zeiss LSM780.
- Olga Ponomareva, Texas Tech University – Rat brain. Astrocytes wrapping small blood vessel. Microglia(Iba1, in red) and astrocytes (GFAP, in green) staining, DAPI in blue. Image was taken at Olympus FV3000. Chronic pain study.
- Salma Amin, Miguel Hernández University – Immunofluorescence of p19 cells demonstrating an axon guidance receptor stain Dapi (purple) and the axon guidance receptor (grey). This image was captured with a Zeiss super-resolution airy scan.
- Ahn Vo, Texas A&M University – The effect of oxidative stress (i.e., hydrogen peroxide H2O2) on peri-nuclear clustering of mitochondria is investigated. Mouse brain endothelial cells (b.End3 cells) are labeled with Complex I antibodies (red) and Lamin B antibodies (green). The image is taken with a Confocal Microscope.
- Shorok Sebaa, University of Cape Town – “Inner foreskin tissue captured on the deconvolution deltavision microscope. Samples are stained against CD3-AF488, CD4-AF647, DAPI. Dually positive cells (CD3+ and CD4+) are counted to estimate the density of CD3+CD4+ T cells in the foreskin epithelium. We hypothesized that CCL27, a chemokine responsible for skin homing and tissue repair and is 7 fold higher in the inner foreskin tissue, will recruit CD3+CD4+ in the inner foreskin upon exogenous exposure. In the image, CD3+CD4+ T cells are recruited under the influence of CCL27 to the epithelium of the foreskin tissue. We encounter a 2-3 fold increase in the density of the cells under the influence of TNF and CCL27.”
- Anthony Fung, UC San Diego – Label-free hyperspectral image of a single human breast cancer cell. Sample was recolored by k-means clustering of Raman spectra in the CH-stretching region. Magenta=membrane, cyan=cytosol, yellow=lipid droplet-like, red=nucleoli.
- Sara Trnski, University of Zagreb – The image was taken with a confocal Olympus FV3000 microscope (Olympus Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany), 10x objective, 1024 x 1024 pixel resolution, adult rat brain barrel fields in the somatosensory cortex, double labeling immunofluorescence using WFA and NeuN antibodies, analysis of ECM.
- Salma Amin, Miguel Hernandez University – Immunofluorescence of FACs-sorted cells from E13.5 mouse cortex demonstrating different cell populations. GFP (green), Dapi (blue), and beta tubulin (red). This image was captured with a confocal Olympic microscope.
- Vivianne Morrison, Tulane University – Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-expressing white matter astrocytes in the 7-day-old mouse corpus callosum were identified via immunofluorescent labeling and visualized with a Nikon Eclipse Ti widefield fluorescence microscope using Nikon Plan Fluor 20× (NA: 0.5). This image was acquired during experiments addressing astrocyte activation in a transgenic mouse model.
- Nick Bulthuis, Columbia University – This coronal cross-section of the hippocampus of a mouse reveals the ensembles of cells recruited to store an individual memory. We used a combination of transgenic mouse lines to label with green fluorescent protein (GFP) the nuclei of all cells active within a particular timeframe, during which this mouse formed a memory of a novel context. Green = GFP, boosted with chicken anti-GFP immunohistochemistry; blue = Hoechst counterstain; image captured with a Leica TCS SPE-II confocal microscope.
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