Patents and Trademarks

Non-Exhaustive List of Rewire Patents

An Adaptive Machine Learning System for Image-Based Biological Sample Constituent Analysis

John Hoehn Harkness, Grant Wade, Will O’Keeffe, Robert Harkness, Colton King, & Kristy Lawton

Original patent: US 11,321,843, filed Dec. 29, 2020
Continuation awarded: US 11,715,204 B2, issued Aug, 1, 2023

Analysis of biological images is an integral part of many fields, including human and veterinary medicine, forensics, biotechnology research and development, and academic research. Throughout the world, professionals in these biological fields examine a diverse range of cell types and microorganisms, where rapid identification and quantification is crucial for appropriate diagnoses and treatment, as well as accurate research conclusions and therapeutic development. Described herein are improvements in technology and solutions to technical problems that can be used to, among other things, detect target constituents in biological samples.

Current Assignee: Rewire Neuro, Inc.


Trolley for the automation of sleep disruption

John Hoehn Harkness, Ryan Patrick Todd, & Barbara A. Sorg

Original patent: US 2018/0056026 A1, issued Mar 1, 2018

The configurations herein are directed to a sleep trolley system for automation of sleep disruption. Such a unique system often includes a platform support system; a natural habitat chamber configured for an animal subject, wherein the natural habitat chamber is removeably disposed thereon the platform support system; an agitator disposed therein the natural habitat chamber, wherein the agitator is configured with a first magnetic component to provide magnetic coupling; a trolley affixed to the platform support system; wherein the trolley is configured with a second magnetic component, wherein the second magnetic component exerts a magnetic attraction force with the first magnetic component coupled to the agitator as disposed therein the natural habitat chamber; and a control system configured to move the trolley along a dimension of the platform support system so as to guide the agitator along a corresponding length of the natural habitat chamber via the magnetic attraction force.  

Current Assignee: Washington State University, WSU
Licensed to Rewire Neuro, Inc.


Non-Exhaustive List of Rewire Trademarks

The Rewire Neuro logo: Serial Number 88940938, Registered Trademark of Stylized Mark

Rewire Neuro
Rewire AI
Rewire Neuroscience
Pipsqueak AI
Pipsqueak Pro
Polygon AI
Degrees of Freedom
Sleep Fragmentation Chamber
Journal of Abstracts

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